Tomball, TX • (281) 787-9051 Email VPF

Fall in love with horses... for the first time, or all over again.

Call (281) 787-9051

today to schedule

your first lesson!


Nearly ever person has a special memory that involves a horse. Childhood tales... a trail ride on the beach... a day at the races... or perhaps, a long-ago involvement with your own horse. Whatever it may be, it is magical and leaves one longing for more. As stated by Winston Churchill, "The outside of a horse is good for the inside of a man." Recapture the magic, share it with your loved ones, expose yourself to the wonderful world of horses.


Whether you are an accomplished rider ready to be challenged and attend some of the nation's most prestigious shows or a beginning rider looking for safe guidance, Vantage Point Farm has something for you. We offer riding and driving lessons, camps and more. Adults — don't think this is a sport just for the children. Many begin their love of horses later in life. Enjoy this fantastic sport "hands-on," or perhaps just enjoy watching a young or investment horse of your own from the sidelines. The benefits are endless for your mind, body and soul. Exposure to new friends, places and excitement is waiting for you.


Riders ages 5 and up enjoy the personalized attention they receive from our instructors. Everyone begins in private lessons which are 30 minutes in length of actual riding time. When a rider is safely able, at the instructors’ discretion, they may move into semi-private or group sessions. Lessons proceed at each rider’s pace and level of learning, based upon the collective desire of instructor and student to achieve each individual’s goal. We have well-trained, kind, and safe lesson horses that can aid the most timid rider into becoming a confident equestrian, as well as more challenging horses for the accomplished rider. Your program may be purely recreational or structured towards competition. From local schooling shows to competing as a Vantage Point owner/exhibitor on the national level, our program can take you in any direction you choose to go.


Vantage Point has fabulous lesson horses. Each has been selected for their outstanding mental and physical qualities desired in the learning type mount. Many of our horses are adoptees from Saddlebred Rescue, a charitable organization that works to ensure the safety and well-being of retired, forgotten or unwanted American Saddlebred horses. We specialize in Saddle Seat riding but also offer instruction in Western and Hunter Pleasure. Click here to learn more about Saddle Seat riding and its history. To learn more about the American Saddlebred horse and its history, please visit



Scheduling: Lessons are available Monday through Saturdays by appointment only and are subject to availability. Evening classes are held on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Summer hours differ to allow for rest periods during times of extreme heat. Please contact us in late May for summer hours.


Cancellation Policy: Lessons are given rain or shine, except in cases of extreme weather, i.e., heavy rain, wind or extreme cold. If you are uncertain about the weather, please call an hour before your scheduled lesson. Except in the case of emergency or illness, 24 hours notice is required to cancel your lesson. In cases of illness, no less than 2-hour notice of cancellation is acceptable. Riders who do not provide proper cancellation notice and are "no shows" will be given one warning; on the second occurrence, riders will be charged for their lesson and will forfeit their time slot to another rider.


Fees/Payments: All lessons are $60 each or you may opt for our package discount plan by purchasing 10 lessons for $550, which reflects a savings of $50. Payment for lessons may be made via cash, check, Visa or MasterCard. Private, semi-private and driving lessons are 30 minutes in length. Group lessons are 45 minutes.




Required Attire/Equipment: All riders are required to wear long pants or jeans and some type of boot or hard-soled shoe with a heel. No one will be permitted to ride in shorts or open-toed shoes. Riders under 18 are required to wear an Approved Safety Riding Helmet; bike helmets are not permitted. VPF has several riding helmets available for use for our riders.


Suggested Attire/Equipment: Once you have determined that horseback riding is your sport of choice, you may wish to purchase a few items to aid you in your equestrian goals. Below is a list of suggested items and reputable vendors.


  • Jodhpur Pants – Black, Brown or Navy
  • Jodhpur or Paddock Boots: Black or Brown; Black is suggested unless you have already purchased brown jodhpurs.
  • Leather Riding Gloves – Black or Brown, match with your choice of boot color
  • Approved Riding Helmet: There are many great helmets on the market; Troxel is a dependably good product. It is suggested to purchase an adjustable helmet for children.



Winner's Circle Horse Supplies,

Saddlebred & Gaited Horse Specialists


National Bridle Shop


Hartmeyer Saddlery

Vantage Point Farm Riding Academy Achievement Levels

As riders progress through our program, they are given the opportunity to test for different achievement levels. Tracking levels achieved allows students, parents and coaches to recognize progress made in lessons and horsemanship. Level testing for non-riding portions will be offered once per month on announced Saturday dates.


Level testing for riding portions will be assessed by instructors as each requirement is achieved. Each student passing a level will receive a completion certificate and recognition on Vantage Point Farm Social Media pages. Students completing Levels 3-5 will receive additional awards to be determined.


    • Name 5 basic safety rules in the barn/on a horse
    • Be able to perform 5 basic grooming steps
    • Safety check equipment before riding
    • Lead a horse safely by the bridle
    • Mount the horse from a mounting block with control
    • Halt from the walk or trot
    • Drop and recover stirrups at the halt
    • Put a riding helmet on and adjust it without assistance

    • Groom and saddle a horse
    • Put a halter on a horse and place the horse in the cross ties
    • Identify a horse by color and markings
    • Properly roll a set of polo wraps
    • Know the parts of the saddle and bridle
    • Perform a posting trot on the correct diagonal for at least two circuits of the arena
    • Perform circles and changes of direction at the walk and trot
    • Know where the Center Line is in the arena
    • Drop and recover stirrups at a walk
    • Emergency dismount at a halt
    • Properly cool-out and put away a horse
    • Clean tack

    • Give a horse a bath
    • Put a snaffle bridle on a horse
    • Wrap a horse's front legs with polo wraps
    • Perform a walk and sitting trot without stirrups
    • Canter on the correct lead for at least 1 circuit of the arena
    • Halt from the walk, trot and canter
    • Drop and recover stirrups at the trot
    • Know the 4 natural aids
    • Perform an emergency dismount at the walk and trot
    • Perform a figure-eight and serpentine at the trot
    • Show smooth transitions into and out of all gaits
    • Display knowledge of 4 breeds of horses

    • Tie a quick release knot
    • Properly wash, dry and braid a show horse's tail
    • Tighten the girth from the saddle
    • Properly clean a stall
    • Know 8 equine anatomy parts
    • Properly put a pair of shin boots and bell boots on a horse
    • Identify positions 1, 2 and 3 in an arena
    • Perform a posting trot without stirrups for one length of the arena
    • Back a horse
    • Properly turn on the forehand
    • Execute a figure-eight at the canter, showing simple changes of lead

    • Drop and recover stirrups at the canter
    • Properly put a full bridle on a horse and ride with it
    • Address the reins
    • Be able to explain collection of a horse
    • Put the horse in a show frame and maintain two rounds of the arena
    • Effectively ride a designated pattern from the UPHA pattern book
    • Effectively ride all horses on the lesson string
    • Put a set of standing leg wraps on a horse
    • Perform simple changes of lead on a straight line
    • Be able to describe judging standards for your competition class
    • Know show grooming procedures
    • Groom at one horse show

The Vantage Point Lesson Program Stars:

Our Lesson Horses!


The Lesson Horses at Vantage Point Farm are the hardest-working members of our team. Many of these horses have had a second chance at life through the good works of Saddlebred Rescue & other organizations that look out for American Saddlebred horses that end up in risky situations. Dash and Gigi are two of those special horses. Our Stirrup Squad Youth Club works hard each year to raise funds for Saddlebred Rescue. Be sure to ask one of the members how you can help.


  • MARS

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(281) 787-9051

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